Saturday, August 30, 2008

Family Definations

I grew up away from the traditional family structure. At the age of fourteen i moved out of my parents household and aquired a family of my own. Altho the words used in my "family" may seem different then others, they are the words we use all the same.

Word: To agree with another, congradulate, or to express excitment.

Cashed: No longer full, done.

Foose: To challange another in a game of Fooseball.

Fuego: A command used when needing a lighter.

Your Mom: An insult used when nothing else comes to mind.

Sketch: A feeling of impending doom, forshadow.

Hack: Everyone in a cirlce taps the hacky-sack at least once.

Bum: To ask another for ciggerette.

Peace: A fairwell.

Peice: A hand-blow glass device.

Eyes: A command spoken in warning when a welding device is being used.

Beverage: A command used when one's thurst needs quenching.

Munchies: A desire to aquire food.

Burn: To insult another.

Stash it: If anything that can be considered "bad" is in your posission, lose it.

F*ck your couch: Said when you want to throw someone off.


Shawnee McPhail said...

Thanks for sharing some of your verbage with us. I've heard most, if not all, of those words, and I think you're right- they reflect a "non-traditional" family. And, that's great, because even though it may not be a traditional family, and traditional words, they're unique to your experiences, and they show how funny and open you are with your family. "fuck your couch" is hilarious, and I can definitely see my friends using that phrase, too. Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad I got to see that fun, relaxed side of you.

CJ Smith said...


I really enjoyed your post and how you expressed yourself through it. When beginning this blog myself I was having a tough time distinguishing language that may be viewed as unique or abnormal because like you asserted the words you use are also words that every english speakers knows and uses. I am still a little confused by your definition of EYES but overall I feel that you have some really good thoughts and ideas.

SaraP said...

Some of these words are fantastic. While you may have a nontraditional family, family is family. These words seem to show a connection stronger than many blood-bound families. I really liked the word foose. That's an awesome way to say that you want to fooseball. Fuego is a nice exotic flair to the language and who doesn't like a good your mom joke?

Amanda T. CO301D said...

haha I love all these words. I tend to use "sketch" a lot myself. I like how your non traditional family was laid back. From reading other people's it seems like everyone's family was more serious and if they did laugh it wasn't about the same type of things that another non traditional family would laugh about-which I admire. It is a cool thing that we can build outside of our own direct families, props to you for finding your own when you were 14-that is a very unique thing.